Pledge to Stop Puppy Mills!

Monday, January 30, 2012

To You & Your Pup!

By Kaija Nealon, ImPRessions ACHS Account Associate

Whether you've had a dog for a while or are just getting started, it can be hard to know what to get or find the right products to make both you and your pooch's lives a little easier.

*The Athens County Humane Society is in no way affiliated with or receiving compensation for these products.

This toy is based off of a reward system, and very friendly to dog-owners looking for a way to train their dog at home. Based off of Pavlov's Dogs theory, this toy uses a combined clicking noise and treat distribution system to give your dog consistent reinforcement for their cooperation!

Instead of giving your dog mints that only cover up their bad breath stench, try these! The denta treats have deep-clean ridges that will instead aim for & eliminate the source of the problem - tartar and plaque. After these have been scrubbed from your pup's mouth, the minty-fresh smell of the treats will be sure to last longer, giving your dog much more pleasant breath!

Getting your pet a bath or to a groomer every time they have a messy play-date can definitely be a challenge, and if you have to transport them in
your car, the mess just keeps going! These heavy duty wipes clean deep into your animal's coat, and make for a quick and easy clean-up. Getting off all the tough dirt, dander and odors
just got a lot easier!

Sometimes panting just isn't enough to keep your dog comfortable on hot days in the sun. When that happens, soak this bandana in water for 15-30 minutes (refrigeration after optional) and put it around your pet's neck. It's wide design targets your canine's major neck veins where the cooling effect will be spread to the entire body. The collar is filled with non-toxic polymer crystals which will cool the water, but not allow for pesky condensation like ice would. Cooling lasts for hours and is definitely a great way to give your dog the relief it deserves!

If sorting through the endless array of dog products out there is simply too overwhelming, why not let the experts do it for you? A monthly subscription to this cute box starts as low as $17, and comes with plenty of useful gifts to keep your best friend happy. One of the best things about this is that the 4+ items that come each month are different every time - how fun! You're also asked to specify what size your dog is, so no need to worry about your poor little yorkie getting a giant squeak toy! In addition, 10% of all earnings go towards a local shelter or rescue. Merchandise in the box can be anything from teeth-strengthing treats to scented doggie bags, but all of them are carefully selected and sure to satisfy you and your pup!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cats & Dogs: What's Right For YOU?

By Kaija Nealon, ImPRessions ACHS Account Associate

What kind of animal do you think would best compliment YOUR personality? Most people have always had an idea of what they would be most compatible with. Whether you do or don't know, we've compiled this quiz to help you better ensure that the pet you adopt will be right for the both of you!

1. What would be your ideal afternoon?
A. Getting outside for some fresh air, whether it be just hanging out in your backyard or taking a hike through the park.
B. Curled up inside in bed or on the couch, relaxing the day away.

2. Which noise would be most unbearable to you?
A. Cats hissing
B. Dogs barking

3. How do you feel about being responsible for ensuring your pet's hygiene?
A. I'd be perfectly willing to clean them myself or take them to a groomer.
B. That's not really something that I can see myself having time to do, or enjoying.

4. All pets have excrements, and as their owner, cleaning them up is your responsibility. Which method would you prefer?
A. Pooper scooper
B. Litter box

5. Do you welcome routine in your schedule, or does the day seem incomplete without a new experience or two?
A. Routine
B. New experiences

6. What is your current household population size like, and what are your plans for the future?
A. 4+ members
B. 3 or less members

7. Are you someone who enjoys being constantly surrounded by companions, or someone who treasures their own quiet time?
A. Constantly surrounded by companions
B. Treasures quiet time

8. Which kind of activity do you prefer?
A. Something sports-related, where physical activity and energetic interaction is present.
B. Utilizing your creative/non-traditional side, or having a stimulating discussion.

9. How often do you travel?
A. Quite often. Long trips don't bother me.
B. Not too much. I don't really enjoy the time it takes to get there.

10. Are you messy or neat?
A. Messy
B. Neat

**If you answered:
Mostly A's - you are a dog person
Mostly B's - you are a cat person

According to extensive research done by the University of Texas at Austin, people who prefer dogs are usually loving, loyal, outgoing, structured and personable. In addition to this, they're usually more extroverted and agreeable. Cat owners, on the other hand, were found to be much more independent, adaptable, poised, silly, and beauty-lovers. It was interesting to find that higher-educated people tend to own cats, as well as more open to experiencing new things. Sometimes, though, people are just compatible with both types of pets, and whatever they get, they'll be happy with. Hopefully this quiz has helped you to figure out where you stand, and will lead to the right decision when considering adoption!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Are You Prepared To Adopt?

By Kaija Nealon, ImPRessions ACHS Account Associate

As exciting as it can be to finally be bringing a new companion into your home, it's also important to consider the responsibilities that come with adopting a dog. Here are a few tips to get you on the right track to bringing your new bundle of love into a safe & happy home for the both of you!
1. Know the rules beforehand: after you've found a dog , take some time before you bring it home to think about what kind of rules you're going to reinforce with it. If a dog becomes accustomed to being allowed to do a certain thing (like laying on furniture) then it will be confusing for them and difficult for you to get them to stop. This way, they know the rules from the get-go and never know what they're missing!
2. Talk to your neighbors: it's common courtesy to let the people you live around know that you're planning on adopting a dog. If they aren't dog fanatics, then at least you've given them a heads-up, but if they do get along with dogs, then even better! You can even offer to bring them over for a play-date sometime. And having someone in the neighborhood who the dog is familiar with is always an advantage if you're stuck somewhere and the dog needs to be let out for some exercise or to go to the bathroom!
3. Stock up on toys - dogs have needs too, and one of them is chewing. You can go for the fancy toys at the pet store, or just go with everyday items, like a rag with knots in it or a tennis ball. Bones are never a bad thing either, and will help keep their teeth healthy. Trust us, your beautiful new pumps and leather couch will thank you later!
Hopefully we've covered some things here that aren't as obvious to the new pet-owner. You and your dog's happiness should be intertwined on every level, so look out for your dog and you'll be looking out for yourself!