I've gotten photos from the Allen Pet Clinic Party, mostly of our dear friend Maddison, who is adoptable through us. She was there for a heartworm test, and was just a sweetheart the entire time.
Maddison is a pitbull, and many people were hesitant to approach her because of that fact. But Maddison is well behaved, and living proof that the breed of a dog does not determine its temperament. Maddison did quite well with all the cats (although they did not like her so much!) and was wonderful with every child who approached her.
The Humane Society is opposed to breed specific legislation, which is normally aimed at dogs like Maddison. You can read the Humane Society of the United States' official position on "dangerous dogs" and breed specific legislation (BSL) here.
Unfortunately, some areas of Ohio have enacted breed specific legislation, a list of which can be found here.
While laws may not always be "fair", they are unfortunately the law, and must be followed. Currently, Athens County has no breed specific legislation in action, some of our neighboring counties do. It is important to know the laws regarding animal ownership, and to fight them, when appropriate and necessary through legal means like petitioning and public education.

Since I've started volunteering with the ACHS, I've been asked any number of questions. One of the least asked questions is "How can I help?", which saddens me. One way that people can help without committing time, effort, or money (although you're more than welcome to, in fact, encouraged, to help with those things!) is to be knowledgeable about our organization and what we do, as well as the welfare laws and rights concerning animals. By learning these things, and passing them on, you do help in your own special way. Word of mouth is a very powerful thing, and a lot of animals end up in bad situations due to misinformation.

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