Spring-time means that many people will be flocking to their local pet store to buy a puppy. What most people are unaware of is that 90% of puppies bought at pet stores are from puppy mills. In order to stop students before unknowingly buying puppy mill puppies Athens County Humane Society will be hosting Puppy Mill Awareness tables on campus April 13 & 14.
Informational tables will be located at College Gate April 13 and 14 from 10AM-3PM. Free cookies and adoptable dogs will be there too!
Ohio ranks among the top seven states in the country with the highest number of USDA "Class A" licensed commercial breeders. Puppy mills can be anything from a shack to building where dogs are kept 24 hours a day in confined, unhealthy cages. The dogs are there for one purpose, to breed the cute puppies you see in pet stores across America. The sweet faces you see behind the glass in pet stores have probably never felt grass on their feet and have often received no pet care. Puppy mill owners have even been known to shoot dogs instead of taking them for vet care.
The responsibility of pet ownership begins before you ever adopt or purchase your dog. Information is power and ACHS hopes to reach a new audience this spring and help thousands of dogs live better lives. If the demand for puppy mill puppies alleviates, thousands of parent dogs will be freed from a life of torture.
Educating consumers about the harsh cruelties of puppy mills will bring more power to the fight to stop the cycle of abuse.
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