As exciting as it can be to finally be bringing a new companion into your home, it's also important to consider the responsibilities that come with adopting a dog. Here are a few tips to get you on the right track to bringing your new bundle of love into a safe & happy home for the both of you!
1. Know the rules beforehand: after you've found a dog , take some time before you bring it home to think about what kind of rules you're going to reinforce with it. If a dog becomes accustomed to being allowed to do a certain thing (like laying on furniture) then it will be confusing for them and difficult for you to get them to stop. This way, they know the rules from the get-go and never know what they're missing!
2. Talk to your neighbors: it's common courtesy to let the people you live around know that you're planning on adopting a dog. If they aren't dog fanatics, then at least you've given them a heads-up, but if they do get along with dogs, then even better! You can even offer to bring them over for a play-date sometime. And having someone in the neighborhood who the dog is familiar with is always an advantage if you're stuck somewhere and the dog needs to be let out for some exercise or to go to the bathroom!
3. Stock up on toys - dogs have needs too, and one of them is chewing. You can go for the fancy toys at the pet store, or just go with everyday items, like a rag with knots in it or a tennis ball. Bones are never a bad thing either, and will help keep their teeth healthy. Trust us, your beautiful new pumps and leather couch will thank you later!
Hopefully we've covered some things here that aren't as obvious to the new pet-owner. You and your dog's happiness should be intertwined on every level, so look out for your dog and you'll be looking out for yourself!
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